"The Perfect Match" is a romantic thriller that follows the story of Lee Seung Gi, a detective investigating a series of murders in the city, and Han Hyo Joo, a young woman who creates an AI dating app that matches people based on their interests and personality traits. When Lee Seung Gi's character signs up for the app and is matched with Han Hyo Joo's character, they hit it off and begin to develop feelings for each other. However, they soon discover that the murder victims are connected to Han Hyo Joo's tech startup and the dating app is being used to target them. As they work together to catch the killer, they go on a dangerous and thrilling chase across the city, with their relationship deepening as they share the experience of danger and investigation.
Di Zi Yuan seeks revenge after her family was falsely accused of treason ten years ago and beheaded according to the emperor's edict. As the sole survivor, she changes her name to Ren An Le and schemes her way into the court. She admires Crown Prince Han Ye's concern for his people's welfare. While slowly developing feelings for him, she remains haunted by her past, unable to dismiss the enmity that exists between their two families. Han Ye, driven by his deep love for Di Zi Yuan, vows to resolve their differences at any cost.
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